NorthWoodGrp II Gold With Distinction*All Perfect Scores
NorthWoodGrp I Gold With Distinction*
NorthWoodGrp I Gold With DistinctionAll Perfect Scores
Steven Reineke
John Philip Sousa
NorthWoodGrp I Gold With Distinction
Dmitri Shostakovich
Eric Whitacre
NorthWood Grp II GoldWith Distinction*
Todd Stalter
Larry Daehn
NorthWood Grp II Gold
Brant Karrick
NorthWood Grp I GoldWith Distinction
Robert Sheldon
Robert W. Smith
Edwin F. Goldman
NorthWood Grp I Gold
Ronald Lo Presti
NorthWood Grp II GoldWith Distinction
Leroy Anderson
Edwin Bagley/arr. Fennell
Sam Hazo
Karl King/arr. Swearingen
Claude T. Smith
David Reed